Actueel lesmateriaal voor lesmethodes Engels van Malmberg

Welkom op de blogspot Engels van uitgeverij Malmberg voor gebruikers van All right!, Realtime en Of Course! U vindt hier actuele video's voorzien van opdrachten, voor verschillende vaardigheden en op verschillende ERK-niveaus. Leuk én leerzaam om de les mee te beginnen of af te sluiten!
Daarnaast maakt Malmberg verschillende keren per jaar een actuele leesopdracht voor Engels, afwisselend op niveau A2, B1 en B2. U vindt ze hier.

vrijdag 23 november 2018

Monkey Business

Iceland is a British supermarket chain. Many supermarkets make special Christmas TV ads. This year, Iceland wanted to show a special animation for Christmas. But they are not allowed to show their animation on TV. The reason given: it is “too political”.
Now the animation is becoming a big hit anyway, thanks to social media. Watch it and judge for yourself.
The animation is about a girl and a young orangutan. The orangutan is called Rang-tan.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
  • to ban - to forbid something
  • orangutan - a large ape that has very long arms and reddish-brown hair
  • teddy - short for: teddy bear; a soft toy bear
  • to borrow - to take and use something that belongs to someone else
  • to howl - to make a long, loud cry that sounds sad
  • naughty - behaving badly
  • forest - a large area of land covered with trees and plants
  • palmoil - an oil from the nuts of some types of palm tree, used in some foods and to make soap
  • to feel blue - to feel sad or unhappy
First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

  1. The orangutan is doing all sorts of things in the girl’s house. Name at least two things.

  2. Is the girl happy with her uninvited guest?

  3. Why is the orangutan in the girl’s house?

  4. What is the girl going to do with the orangutan’s story?

  5. Finish the last sentence the girl says: “The future’s not yet written but .....”
    Explain in your own words what this means.