Actueel lesmateriaal voor lesmethodes Engels van Malmberg

Welkom op de blogspot Engels van uitgeverij Malmberg voor gebruikers van All right!, Realtime en Of Course! U vindt hier actuele video's voorzien van opdrachten, voor verschillende vaardigheden en op verschillende ERK-niveaus. Leuk én leerzaam om de les mee te beginnen of af te sluiten!
Daarnaast maakt Malmberg verschillende keren per jaar een actuele leesopdracht voor Engels, afwisselend op niveau A2, B1 en B2. U vindt ze hier.

donderdag 15 september 2016

Refugee or Migrant?

Thousands of refugees have fled their home country over the past year. Mahya was one of them. Watch the video to find out more about Some of them have come to Australia. So next we're going to take a look at what a refugee actually is and how they're different to the thousands of migrants that come here to live too.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
  • voluntarily - done because you want to and not because you have no other choice
  • force to leave - to make it necessary for someone to leave
  • gender - the state of being male or female
  • confusing - difficult to understand
  • charity - an organization that helps people who need help
  • volunteer - a person who does work without getting paid to do it
  • overseas - in or to a foreign country that is across a sea or ocean
  • face challenges - meet with difficult problems that you will have to try and solve
Before you watch the video
  1. Tell or write down what you think the difference is between refugees and migrants.

First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Make notes to help you do the assignment.

  1. Which country did Georgia come from? And Mahya?

  2. Name the different reasons why the girls moved to Australia.

  3. For each girl name the thing or things they found difficult about moving to Australia.

  4. Finish the following sentences:
    A migrant is a person who ..........................................................................
    A refugee is someone who ..........................................................................

Finally, go back to your explanation of the difference between refugees and migrants. Would you change your words now? If so, how?