Actueel lesmateriaal voor lesmethodes Engels van Malmberg

Welkom op de blogspot Engels van uitgeverij Malmberg voor gebruikers van All right!, Realtime en Of Course! U vindt hier actuele video's voorzien van opdrachten, voor verschillende vaardigheden en op verschillende ERK-niveaus. Leuk én leerzaam om de les mee te beginnen of af te sluiten!
Daarnaast maakt Malmberg verschillende keren per jaar een actuele leesopdracht voor Engels, afwisselend op niveau A2, B1 en B2. U vindt ze hier.

donderdag 12 maart 2015

A Brief Look at Texting and the Internet in Film

It has just been made known that BBC's hit TV series Sherlock is returning for a fourth season. According to American filmmaker Tony Zhou, the series is exemplary for some new developments in film.  In the video, he explains why he thinks so.

First read the following sentences.
1. Explain what they mean.
2. Focus on the underlined words and expressions. Explain  their meaning. You may use a dictionary.
  • “It’s an interesting conundrum.”
  • “This is a great example of how film form is always evolving.”
  • “This is where Sherlock is definitive.”
  • “The audience has to infer based on the message.”
  • “For once, this is a level playing field.”
  • “If you really want to explore the cutting edge, there is only one place to go.”
First read the assignment. Next watch the video.
You can choose to watch just the first 3 minutes or the complete video.
Take notes to help you do the assignment.


Answer the questions in writing or in a group discussion. Do this in English.

Questions about the first three minutes of the video:
  1. What is the opening question of this video?

  2. What is the “interesting conundrum” Tony mentions?
    How did filmmakers solve this conundrum in the past?

  3. What does the “new formal convention” look like?

  4. Name the three reasons why filmmakers are adopting this new formal convention.

  5. Why is Sherlock “definitive” when it comes to depicting text messages in film?
    Name at least 2 reasons.

  6. “While Sherlock seems to have solved how to view text messages we have another issue.”
    What is this other issue?

Questions about the final two minutes of the video:
  1. “If you really want to explore the cutting edge, there is only one place to go.”
    Name the place.
    Explain why this is the place to explore “the cutting edge”.

  2. “For something like this, lack of money is an advantage.”
    What does this mean?
    Why is this so?