Actueel lesmateriaal voor lesmethodes Engels van Malmberg

Welkom op de blogspot Engels van uitgeverij Malmberg voor gebruikers van All right!, Realtime en Of Course! U vindt hier actuele video's voorzien van opdrachten, voor verschillende vaardigheden en op verschillende ERK-niveaus. Leuk én leerzaam om de les mee te beginnen of af te sluiten!
Daarnaast maakt Malmberg verschillende keren per jaar een actuele leesopdracht voor Engels, afwisselend op niveau A2, B1 en B2. U vindt ze hier.

donderdag 28 mei 2015

Beating the Odds

Drake Eddings made the news.

First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

  1. Why did Drake almost not graduate?

  2. Who or what helped him to graduate?

  3. What apart from graduating has Drake achieved now?

  4. What are Drake's plans for the near future?

Extra writing assignment

You will write a news report about Drake's graduation story.
  1. Watch the video again. Listen carefully and take notes about the main events.

  2. Organize your notes for your report.

  3. Write a news report of 250-300 words.

Extra idiom assignment

Watch the video once more. Focus on the word "odds". It is used in phrases such as: Drake graduated "against all odds"; The "odds were stacked against him"; "If you believe in odds," he shouldn't have graduated.
Make 2 or 3 sentences with each of these usages of "odds"'.