Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- first ever - very first
- capital - the most important city or town of a country
- to be the host - to be the person, organization, country, etc. which receives guests
- bicentennial - a 200th anniversary or its celebration
- knighthood - the rank or title of a knight
- honorary knighthood - a special kind of knighthood appointed to citizens of nations where Queen Elizabeth II is not Head of State
- occupant - a person who is using or living in a particular building, apartment, room, etc.
- monarch - a person (such as a king or queen) who rules a kingdom or empire
The video starts with Elizabeth’s visit to the US in 1951. In that year, Harry Truman was president of the United States. Here’s a list of the 11 presidents following Truman:
- Dwight Eisenhower
- John F. Kennedy
- Lyndon Johnson
- Richard Nixon
- Gerald Ford
- Jimmy Carter
- Ronald Reagan
- George H.W. Bush
- Bill Clinton
- George W. Bush
- Barack Obama
- Create a presidential timeline for the rest of the video.
- Copy the presidents’ names on a blank sheet of paper. Leave plenty of white space in between for your notes.
- For each president, write down 2 or 3 bits of information. For example, in which year Queen Elizabeth met them, any special detail surrounding the visit, et cetera.
- Watch the video once more to check your notes and if necessary add some details.