Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- autograph - the signature of a famous person
- gloves - a covering for your hands that has separate parts for each finger
- eventually - at some later time; in the end
- come up with something - think of something; invent something
- retell - tell again, often in a different way
- Shakespeare says: “One thing we always had growing up were gloves.”
Why was this so? - Which Shakespearean play is The Lion King based on?
- When Shakespeare moved to London, what job did he do?
- How many plays did Shakespeare write?
- Name the three main categories of Shakespeare’s plays.
Give a short definition for each category.
Extra words assignment
Shakespeare says that he came up with seventeen hundred new words.
- Explain what the following words and expressions he mentions mean.
You may use a dictionary.
- countless
- laughable
- buzz
- puking
- assassin
- moonbeam
- eyesore
- wild goose chase
- break the ice