Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- fancy features - special and often expensive parts
- to cover the costs - to make enough money to pay for the costs
- profit - money that is made in a business, like a shop
- tax - money that people and businesses have to pay to the government and that is used to pay for the things done by the government
- roughly 30 cents - not exactly, but more or less 30 cents
- purchase price - amount of money someone pays for something
- to leak - to give secret information to someone so that it becomes known to the public
- How much money does Nike make from selling the pair of shoes in the video?
- Why does most of the money Nike makes go straight to their company in the Netherlands?
- Is it legal what Nike is doing?
- What do other people think about the way Nike does business?
- For which people are the Netherlands paradise?
Explain what the underlined words and expressions mean.
1. The girl buying the shoes says: “Hold on, is that how much they cost?”
2. Nike is far from the only company contained in them.