Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- to relate with empathy - to listen to someone and respond in a way that shows that you understand what they are experiencing or feeling
- to get some flack - to get some strong criticism
- comprehension - ability to understand
- personality - attractive qualities (such as energy, friendliness, and humor) that make someone interesting or pleasant to be with
- profound - having or showing great knowledge or understanding
- Who or what is Sophia?
- Does Zoe like her job?
- According to Sophia, what’s the problem with the future?
Extra writing and/or speaking assignment
Think of 3 other questions to ask Sophia.
Write them down.
Alternatively, do a roleplay with a classmate. One of you is Sophia, the other one is the interviewer.
The interviewer interviews Sophia.
Switch roles.
Bonus listening assignment
You can find out more about Sophia in the following video. This is for more advanced students of English.
- How does Steve feel about interviewing Sophia?
- What answer does Sophia give when she doesn’t know something?
- Has Sophia seen “Black Mirror”?