Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- daffodil - a yellow flower that blooms in the spring and that has a center that is shaped like a long tube (also see picture below)
- to wander - to walk around in a relaxed way
- margin - the edge of something
- at a glance - with a quick look
- to outdo - to do better than someone or something else
- glee - joy
- jocund - happy, cheerful
- pensive - thoughtful and serious
- bliss - complete happiness
You can read the poem here.
- Can the tone of the poem be best described as: angry, comic, joyful, or sad?
- What is the narrator’s mood in the first lines and how does it change when he/she sees the daffodils?
- What is the connection between the daffodils and the twinkling stars?
- In the last lines (1:20 in the video), how does the memory of the daffodils change the narrator’s mood?
- Does the poem suggest that loneliness is a good thing or a bad thing?
Explain your answer.
Extra words assignment
- The cloud “floats on high o'er vales and hills”.
Explain what the underlined expression means. - Wordsworth uses all sorts of “happy” words.
Write down all the happy words you recognize.